Monday, February 2, 2009

Rosie is Cooler Than Me

My 1 1/2 year old daughter, Rosie, gets just about anything she wants from strangers because she is beautiful. Free balloons, trinkets, adventurous rides with the Jazz bear, and an introduction to the team. She is so brave and in command of her scene, where ever she is. I just know she could be an it girl when she grows up if she wants to.

Now, I'm positive that I am the first mother to worry about what my daughter is going to think of me when she grows up. I was never a part of that queen bee, alpha-girl crowd, nor did I want to be. But what if Rosie finds her place in that society and she is not at all amused by her wanna-be-artist-bohemian mother?

The only thing I'm sure of is that I am officially grounded from watching Gossip Girl.


CrazyMonkeyHouse said...

I have a dirty secret: I love Gossip Girl.

No matter how cool you are, you will never be cool enough for a teenager. I think it's a firm universal law. No matter, she'll love you anyway!

Lissa said...

Here's my dirty secret: I'm going to keep on watching Gossip Girl, even though I have grounded myself from it ;)

Somer Love said...

Gossip Girl??? She will love you no matter what! Those teen years are tough just ask Peg and Donnie...